Programmer since the age of 14, I am now 36 years old, and have been coding for 22 years.

Currently, I work with website development, apps, home automation, process automation, and machine software using Arduino or Raspberry.

I serve various companies, have programmer partners and experts in WhiteHats, work freelance for some companies, and am always open to a good offer 😉😎

Co-founder of the WhiteHats project

WhiteHats is a community for programmers, technology experts, enthusiasts, and students.


Chat with end-to-end encryption, where you can use a secret key with your friends to communicate securely in a room, group, or individually.

Make friends with people who share the same interests as you!

Join the WhiteHats team!

It's free! It's safe! And we don't collect cookies!

Main professional experiences:

Captador - – January 2024 to July 2024

We created a chat support system integrated with WhatsApp Business and a payment system.

Technologies used: Dart (Flutter)

VMG Guindastes - – August 2023 to January 2024

I developed the Android and iOS app for the VMG system for operational control of the company.

Technologies used: PHP, SQL, Dart (Flutter)

Sofonias - – 2015 to present as a freelancer

I work as a freelance Full Stack developer, mainly developing the backend of websites and virtual stores of various types. I have gained significant knowledge in image cutting with Photoshop; often, layouts come ready, and I transform them into websites.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, REST API, Integrations with

Wirecard and PayPal

Faculdade Uniasselvi - - April 2022 to April 2023

I worked on maintaining the website and backend of the Uniasselvi system app.

I collaborated with a dedicated team of 25 developers.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, Angular, Symphony, PL-SQL,

SQL, Oracle

RunClub - – January 2017 to March 2019

Former CTO, I developed the website and Android and iOS apps (currently offline)

I led a team of 3 developers: one was responsible for the website's frontend, another for the app's frontend, and I handled the general programming of the app and website.

The system had integrated payment split with Wirecard for the purchase of various products and monthly recurring subscriptions.

Technologies: Ionic, Cordova, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, Java

Android, Swift (iOS), and integration with Wirecard API

IndBras - – Saturdays from July 2015 to December 2016

I worked on developing a sales catalog, integrated with a system developed in C#. I was responsible for creating the catalog and helping to establish SOAP communication.

This experience also laid the foundation for my C# skills, allowing me to perform various ERP tasks.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, SOAP, and a bit of C# desktop

Grupo UDS - - 2015 to 2016

I worked on creating websites and virtual stores.

This is where I gained the most significant experience in developing all types of websites and e-commerce platforms, integrating with payment APIs, and managing the complete logistics of various types of virtual stores. I implemented integrations with PagSeguro, Ebanx, Cielo, and PayPal.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, REST API

❤️ Focus on: PHP, Javascript and Flutter

😎 Main skills: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, C, Java, Dart (Flutter), Python, ActionScript (⚰️RIP)

👽 Frameworks: Bootstrap 3 and 5, Laravel, Yii2, Springboot, Selenium (Python)

⚔️ JS Family: jQuery, React.js, React Native, Angular, Numpy, P5

📼 Database: MySQL, NoSQL, Sql Lite, Oracle, SQL Server, Dynamo DB

🪛 Tools: Docker, Node.js, Git

👾 Others: DOS, Shell Script, Api Rest, SOAP, Wordpress

💻 Some other softwares: Office, Inkscape, Photoshop, Corel Draw

🐧 OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS

This video (in Portuguese BR) summarizes well my hobbies, my life, and what goes on in my mind.
Video (in Portuguese BR) about Arduino, one of my favorite pastimes.
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I'll get back to you as soon as possible! CNPJ: 15.616.043/0001-73

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